the filmmakers

Robert Harding Pittman

Christoph Felder

Robert Harding Pittman is a German-American filmmaker and photographer and former environmental engineer from Hamburg and Boston. After taking his undergraduate and graduate degrees in environmental engineering (U.C. Berkeley), an area of concern that continues to inform his work, he received an M.F.A. in Film/Video and Photography at the California Institute of the Arts (Cal Arts). His award winning documentary films and photographs are about the environment and landscape and their connection to culture. His first film was about Heuersdorf, Germany, a 750 year old village which has since been demolished for the expansion of an open-pit coal mine for four years of electricity. This is the basis for “From under our feet”. His photography book and travelling exhibition ANONYMIZATION, nominated for the Prix Pictet, is about the global proliferation of urban sprawl. The work is being exhibited internationally and has received wide media coverage. 

CNN interviewWiRED interview  &

Christoph Felder, since founding his company CFF Films in Cologne, Germany, almost 25 years ago, has travelled the world with his camera making over 50 documentaries and reportages for German and international television audiences on a wide variety of subjects. He collaborates with most of the German broadcasters as well as with arte. The producer/director/cameraman's socially motivated humanistic films often focus on those people who are left behind or ignored by society, giving them a voice.

The filmmaker worked as  as a director for WDR TV (Germany). Christoph Felder was born in Cologne, Germany and studied German language & literature, theater, and philosophy at the University of Cologne.